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Asperger Experts

Asperger Experts

Danny & Hayden, both diagnosed with Asperger's, help people affected by Aspergers to understand themselves & the top success strategies in the world, so that they can change their behavior, thinking, and ultimately live the life they want to, not the life that they are limited to. They created Asperger Experts to teach others exactly what they did to get to where they are in life, and help others get out of the immense pain and loneliness that often comes with an AS diagnosis. Danny was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was 12, after his parents noticed him having some difficulties focusing at school. He didn't think much of it at the time, and spent most of his free time from middle school up until the first year of college playing video games. Specifically, an online video game called "Neverwinter Nights," where he learned most of his social skills. In 2009, he decided that he wanted a better life, and committed himself to the study of his own thoughts and behaviors, and well as the strategy, systems, and mechanisms behind success. He is originally from Santa Barbara, California, but now working on a Psychology degree from Metro State University in Denver, Colorado, with a focus on Positive Psychology. Danny is the marketing/psychology/video guy here at Asperger Experts, and can be reached directly at [email protected]. Hayden was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was 5, but not told until he was 12. As a child, he experienced immense issues related to Asperger's, but thanks to his mom being trained as a speech therapist, he was able to overcome most of his setbacks by the time he left home for college. His school years, up until 11th grade, were spent without many friends, and he was constantly bullied. In the middle of his junior year of high school in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Hayden decided that he needed to change his life. Six months later, he found himself thriving with a large group of friends, much higher confidence levels, and a better grasp of who he was. He now studies Journalism in Denver, Colorado, and in addition to running Asperger Experts with Danny, writes for a popular entertainment magazine. Hayden is the writing/social skills/media guy here at Asperger Experts, and can be reached directly at [email protected].

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