Aveco, based in the Czech Republic, the United States, and India, designs, sells, and supports studio production automation, master control automation, and integrated channel playout systems worldwide. Varieties of architectures are available, from complex multi-channel, multi-site operations to small standalone systems, and from complete end-to-end production and playout facilities to individual products. With more than 300 customers in Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa, Aveco has the technology and experience to deliver any workflow, to control any third-party device, and to provide media companies the reliability and 24-hour support Aveco is known for. In 2019, the company was awarded the IBC Innovation Award in the Content Everywhere category for its automation work for ETV Bharat for the automation system that drives the 24 studios and 24 full time news channels in 13 languages for mobile news consumption. Since its formation in 1992, Aveco has remained a stable, privately-owned company with a long-term commitment to steady growth and timely support.