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Barnyard Organics

Barnyard Organics

Barnyard Organics is located in Freetown, PEI Canada, where Mark and Sally like to say they are the buckle of the potato belt. Having started as a traditional mixed farm, proceeding generations switched to a dairy focus, then to potatoes, and the current generation aims to bring the farm back to its original state as a self-sustaining mixed farm, using traditional methods combined with some of the efficient technologies of our time. Growing, mixing and selling complete organic feed rations for livestock, selling bulk organic grains, custom seed cleaning and soybean roasting, managing a Community Shared Agriculture program for organic chicken and eggs, custom poultry processing and raising four enthusiastic farm kids keeps everyone pretty busy. Thanks to Wendell and Carol Anne and to our farm tech, Blain, we are able to focus on our priority of soil health above all else. Visitors are welcome to the farm anytime, although it is wise to ensure we will be available, as it can be a busy place most of the year!.

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About Barnyard Organics

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