Bionic Services
However, if something does go wrong and you want to make a complaint, we will be fully committed to fixing it as efficiently as possible. Below you'll find all the information you need about making a complaint, including how to contact us and what we promise to do next. What's gone wrong? If you're unhappy with the service you've received from Bionic, one of our employees or one of our suppliers , let us know and we'll look into it straightaway. If you believe you've experienced financial loss as a result of switching with us , please get in touch with us at the earliest opportunity. We will treat a complaint like this very seriously, and the sooner we're made aware, the sooner we can investigate. If your service has been cut off prematurely during your switch, we'll treat this as an urgent matter and contact your new provider to try and get your service started as soon as possible. Please note that this is extremely unlikely to occur during an energy switch. How long before your