BlockQuake Holdings, LLC was formed in early 2018 to address the need for trust and transparency in the blockchain and cryptocurrency communities through the development of a centralized cryptocurrency trading exchange platform. The Company's mission is to be the unified trading platform for digital assets that is trusted by all facets of the trading and investing communities. The BlockQuake team understands the issues that exist in the digital asset space ranging from cybersecurity, to maintaining multiple trading accounts, to a lack of fiat onramps and trading pair options. As a One-Stop Shop, BlockQuake's trading platform fills this void. BlockQuake's global Exchange will provide traders with multiple fiats paired with multiple cryptocurrencies - which in turn can be paired against alternative cryptocurrencies. BlockQuake continue to onboard fiats and list more and more cryptos, its users will have the most trading options on a single platform. Powered by a team that has traditional financial backgrounds with experience in audit, compliance, and regulation, BlockQuake wants to provide its users with the same level of trust and transparency they've experienced with traditional financial markets -