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BNI Barbados

BNI Barbados

Since BNI Barbados was launched in February 2002, members have passed over 32,000 referrals, generating over 18.5 million dollars worth of business amongst each other … This is truly "Givers Gain" at work! BNI - Business Network Int'l, is a Business and Professional Referral Networking Organization that offers its members the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and most importantly - referrals. It is the largest Referral Networking Organization in the world, with over 6,100+ chapters and 139,000 members in 48 countries. What makes BNI unique is that it allows only one person per profession to join a chapter, thus, once you have joined, there is no conflict in passing referrals and therefore, none of your competitors can participate in that chapter. In it's simplest form, your fellow BNI members carry your business cards. When they meet someone who could use your product or service they pass along your card and share testimonial information about you. It's like having a team of sales people working to promote your business. Successful business depends on word-of-mouth referrals. BNI's unique approach offers a cost effective form of referral generation. BNI's structured system of giving and receiving referrals creates a supportive and trusting environment for developing serious business relationships. The relationships you develop will convert network contacts into referred business. Our philosophy is built upon the idea of "Givers Gain". By giving business to others, you will get business in return. Our mission is to help members increase their business through a structured, positive and professional "word-of-mouth" program that enables them to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals. Take the opportunity to substantially increase your business through referrals by visiting one of our Chapter meetings.

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About BNI Barbados



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Marketing And Advertising







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Tech Stack (97)


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Content Management System

Web Hosting Providers

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Verified CDN


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Customer Management

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Productivity And Operations