Bradan is a unique science based company run by Scientists. It markets its own technology and that of its collaborating universities and international partner companies at best possible prices through its dedicated website. Led by a senior pathologist and supported by a number of medical and scientific colleagues, our principal areas of research interest are: Animal disease control through advanced biosecurity. Safe disinfection in the aquatic environment. Stress management in man and animals through our advanced heat shock protein technology Bradan's various disinfection products, developed by our scientists in association with Antec Ltd (now DuPont) are internationally recognised as providing the best means of controlling both serious animal diseases such as Foot and Mouth Disease and Equine Influenza, notifiable fish pathogens such as ISA and furunculosis and those germs such as Salmonella, E. coli and Listeria which come from animals, fish and shellfish but can cause serious illness in humans. Virkon Aquatic, Bradan's flagship product was developed by our scientists for specifically aquatic use. It is available in a variety of formulations for different purposes. It has the highest rating against all aquatic pathogens and yet, when properly applied, is safe for use with food for Listeria control, and in fishery and fish farm conditions, even when live fish are present.