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Brand Journalists

Brand Journalists

Brand Journalists is a one-stop shop for a company struggling to grow and looking for how to create a real breakthrough in development results. We provide the following services for franchise brands of all sizes, from major players and iconic brands to emerging growth franchise brands: Franchise development websites Brand Journalists has been creating award-winning franchise recruitment and sales websites since 2008. Our sites have won Star Awards from the Franchise Development and Leadership Conference, as well as top 5 and top 20 rankings in the 1851 top franchise websites list for 2015. Our websites convert at 400% above the industry average for recruitment websites, and our clients regularly produce the majority of sales from the websites we launch. All websites are not created equal! A pretty design or flashy presentation doesn't equal real sales results. We are students of how people buy franchises, and we understand how typical entrepreneurs wrap their minds around a franchise opportunity. When we build a site in 120 days or less from start to finish, clients often remark, "Wow! That was the easiest website project I've ever been a part of!" Here's the truth about your franchise development website: a typical franchise buyer will do a substantial amount of reading and online research, often upwards of 50-60 minutes. That's the appetite a real buyer has for information on your offering. We know this from tracking thousands of IP addresses and doing painstaking research for our clients to better help them understand how their buyers behave online. If you don't have enough or the right kind of content on your website to satisfy this appetite, buyers not only won't opt in, they'll just fade away. You can have a beautiful website, but if the content isn't well thought out, it will underperform. In fact, data proves that the quality, depth, and structure of the content dictates both your conversion rate and your ultimate sales results.

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About Brand Journalists



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Marketing And Advertising







United States

Tech Stack (83)
