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Bolsa de Valores de Colombia

Bolsa de Valores de Colombia

Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (bvc) is the leading operator of the Colombian capital market infrastructure with presence in the entire value chain. bvc provides solutions and services of Pre-trading (issuer services and issuances), Trading (access, electronic and OTC), Post-trading (collateral management, clearing, settlement, custody and securities administration), Information (market data and price vendor) and Technology (systems implementation of core banking, capital markets and digital solutions) in the on- exchange and OTC markets of equities, fixed income, derivatives and FX in a direct fashion or through its subsidiaries and investments. None of the confirmation contained here ("Information"), MSCI index or other product or service constitutes an offer to buy or sell, or a promotion or recommendation of, any security, financial instrument or product or trading strategy. Further, none of the Information or any MSCI index is intended to constitute investment advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of investment decision and may not be relied on as such. The Information is provided "as is" and the user of the Information assumes the entire risk of any use it may make or permit to be made of the Information. NONE OF MSCI INC. OR ANY OF ITS SUBSIDIARIES OR ITS OR THEIR DIRECT OR INDIRECT SUPPLIERS OR ANY THIRD PARTY INVOLVED IN MAKING OR COMPILING THE INFORMATION (EACH, AN "INFORMATION PROVIDER") MAKES ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS AND, TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, EACH INFORMATION PROVIDER HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL IMPLIEDWARRANTIES, INCLUDING WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. WITHOUT LIMITING ANY OF THE FOREGOING AND TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL ANY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDERS HAVE ANY LIABILITY REGARDING ANY OF THE INFORMATION FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS) OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES EVEN IF NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. The foregoing shall not exclude or limit any liability that may not by applicable law be excluded or limited.

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About Bolsa de Valores de Colombia



Estimated Revenue






Financial Services





Bogota D.C.



Tech Stack (89)
