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Calonweb Solutions

Calonweb Solutions

Calonweb Solutions is a company that was born out of the idealism of providing the "right" website for your needs. Many times it is evident that although a website may be nicely designed and aesthetically pleasing to the eye (which does have its importance), it may not deliver on the key concept of providing the most appropriate experience to the end users (the people who will be using your website) or does not meet the goals of your business. Sometimes, lengthy processes are put in place with the intention of documenting every requirement of a website or going through lengthy and expensive design and consultation processes to exercise all aspects of functionality and user requirements. Whilst there can be many benefits to doing this, one of the major drawbacks is that requirements often change during the course of developing the website. Furthermore, if business needs alter it could be an expensive process to alter the requirements to fall in line. How do we differ? Firstly, website "designing" can inhibit issues and sometimes produce functionality that might be desired but will not meet your business goals. Calonweb Solutions recognise that designing a website is important but what needs to feed the design is information about the business and what the whole driver/intention is for the websites existence. Information Architecture is also important when providing information to create a website design. Whilst stylistically a website can "look" fantastic, does it really give out the correct information? Does it also make it easy for users to find that information? All of these questions (and more) will be taken into account during Consultancy. So, how much do we actually cost? An interesting question, one that is a difficult question to answer accurately as this can entirely depend on your needs. Every business is unique and individual - the needs for your business can quite often dictate the level of consultancy and development needed. If you already have a budget in mind and are willing to share this with us, we can tailor our processes to match your budget. Calonweb Solutions offer a free initial consultation to gain an understanding of the business requirements and the website that needs to deliver them. This initial consultancy will focus primarily on what the options are available to you and also how Calonweb Solutions can help you. The output of this free consultation will be a quotation for your website build. "Calonweb Solutions offer a free initial consultation to gain an understanding of the business requirements and the website that needs to deliver them."

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About Calonweb Solutions



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