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Cancel Wizard

Cancel Wizard

CancelWizard has often been successful in securing refunds for our clients. Refunds could be from prepaid accounts or simply as a result of the vendor not honoring your original cancellation request. Upon request from our client, CancelWizard will attempt to get you a refund of fees you paid to the vendor you are attempting to cancel. We will contact the vendor on your behalf during the cancellation process and try to arrange to have some of the fees they have charged to your account refunded. Do I have to utilize the paid services of CancelWizard to get my account cancelled? No, you are more than welcome to cancel your service/account/membership on your own. We even offer "Do-it-Yourself Guides" to help those individuals who wish to process their own cancellations. CancelWizard's paid service is just an option for those individuals who no longer want to deal with the hassles of cancelling their account. It is not a requirement that you use our paid service to cancel your account, it is an option. Many people like the convenience of our no hassle cancellation service and therefore choose to utilize our paid program. How much do you charge? We charge a $34.95 convenience fee per cancellation we process. I want to cancel everything, can you do that? Once in a while someone will submit an order to cancel "everything". Although we get a good laugh when this happens, we can't cancel every account you have. Our service is meant for the abusive companies that make it hard for you to cancel. Please be sure to specify one company/membership/service you would like cancelled when submitting your order. Is CancelWizard associated with any of the vendors for which they offer a cancellation service? No, CancelWizard is a third party independent service provider that assists individuals in cancelling a variety of difficult to cancel accounts. We are not directly associated with any of the vendors for which we offer our cancellation service.

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