Our system auto-fetches the booking details from your bookings calendar and syncs it with your sign-in-sheets - giving you a full list of children expected for the day. Your staff can access these auto-populated sign-in sheets on your centre's tablets or smartphones. They can then use the bulk sign-in option to mark the attendance of each child electronically or let parents sign their children in with digital signatures. The parents will also receive a notification every time a child is signed in or out from your centre. Moreover, our smart dashboard will also let you monitor attendance remotely, and view the children who are currently signed-in at your centre. 5. Do I have the option to see the number of sessions a child has attended? We have an intelligent bookings calendar linked to each child's profile which gives you details on the sessions of the child. In addition to this, you can retrieve attendance and absentee reports and filter out records for a specific date range. 6. Do you have any attendance forecasting feature to help us plan our staff levels? We do.
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Education ManagementLocation
United KingdomCheqdin
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