Cibersons provides highly profitable Value Added Services for mobile phone operators. Millions of users around the world have daily access to services provided by Cibersons. Products, services and projects undertaken are widely recognized for their efficiency and competitive advantage, as a result of analyzing users' preferences, customs, market, needs and wants and wishes. The different markets in which these services are provided speak about their broad appeal. Products are Universal, Unique and Useful, and of great interest for Mobile Phone Users. Cibersons developed mConex® as an integrated service that encompasses SMS, MMS, WAP, IVR, messaging, marketing and content delivery platforms, with reporting and monitoring tools and utilities. This platform allows Cibersons to distribute content in different and innovative ways, and is constantly being updated in all Cibersons' technology centers, in line with ever evolving demands and requirements. mConex® interacts with the Operator's available infrastructure and technology in order to provide the best performance for each service, adjusting products and content to the optimal delivery scheme under which they are being provided.