We design, manufacture, install and service bespoke furniture and storage solutions for the office and public sector markets, accepting it has a responsibility to improve the environment and provides the necessary resources to implement the requirements of the international standard ISO14001. Claughtons works closely with our approved suppliers and sub-contractors with a long-term aim of providing products, which can be recycled when no longer fit for purpose. Materials purchased are assessed for environmental effects with regards to suppliers' manufacturing processes and where possible, will be reworked or reprocessed rather than allocated for disposal. The environmental impact of supplied products are assessed and monitored, as new technologies are introduced, and if found acceptable they are adopted by the environmental control documentation. We have a strong commitment to meet or exceed applicable legal, regulatory or other requirements, which impact on our business, striving for continuous improvement, while minimising the creation of waste and pollution. Energy use is monitored and kept to the minimum while looking at new ways of implementing efficiencies. The premises and land under the control of the company are maintained to limit any waste being transmitted or received from surrounding areas. Significant environmental aspects with set objectives are maintained, covering: office administration, installation, storage distribution and transport to provide the most effective method of operation in reducing pollution and waste. All Personnel are made aware of this policy including contracted staff with a copy held on the intranet portal and notice boards. We monitor a system of continuous improvement by the use of statistical methods to monitor the changing needs and expectations of our customers, defining zero tolerance levels regarding to environmental impact and Health and safety issues. A master copy of our environment policy is signed by the Managing Director who is responsible for all facilities, and posted on relevant staff notice boards and on the Intranet, being available to customers, suppliers and public bodies on request. Our ICT suite furniture solution is of great quality; your materials and workmanship are excellent. I have also been really impressed with your customer care and responsiveness to our needs.