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Cleanaway Is a Green Enterprise. Founded in 1999, the Cleanaway Group is committed to "one-stop-shop" total clearance and treatment services to business not only for general waste, industrial waste but also for hazardous waste. Cleanaway operates the largest Class A intermediate treatment and solidification plant licensed to treat hazardous heavy metal waste, and also owns the largest private landfills for final disposal in Taiwan. In order to provide our clients with one-stop-shop services including professional clearance, treatment and final disposal, since 1999, Cleanaway has developed and established landfills for final disposal of waste, and expanded our business items to meet clients' demands. We have built 7 landfills to date and among the 7 landfills, the 6th of which, named Da Tsang Industrial Co. Ltd., is for general industrial waste; the 7th, named Chi Wei Co. Ltd., is an isolated landfill that accepts waste after intermediate treatment and solidification, while the rest is under restoration work after closure. Due to a serious imbalance of supply and demand in the domestic environmental protection market, waste is being dumped randomly and has resulted in environmental incidents emerging endlessly. To rectify the unbalanced situation and the environmental pollution incidents effectively, we try our best to develop new sites for final disposal. Consequently, our 8th landfill, named Da Ning Co. Ltd., has successfully passed the review on its environmental impact assessment and acquired its establishment permit. Da Ning is estimated to be in operation in mid-2017, and will follow our one-stop-shop service approach. In early days of development, Taiwan focused on industrial production, and neglected the importance of waste management. As a consequence, many factory sites were contaminated with hazardous heavy metals. Furthermore, some crops planted on these contaminated sites even get into our food chain, eventually causing significant damage to our citizens' health. Agricultural pollution incidents such as cadmium-polluted rice and copper-contaminated papaya are the examples of farmland pollution, which becomes the invisible killer to jeopardize the environment indirectly. Therefore, Cleanaway not only strives hard to provide best services of daily waste treatment to productive enterprises, but also offers an overall solution for cleaning up contaminated sites, ranging from contaminated site sampling and investigation to removal of harmful pollutants, in order to restore the sites to their natural conditions, and achieves the target for reactivation and reuse, and by so doing, we could reduce the invisible hazardous factors to people's health. Cleanaway has completed many scores of important remediation projects of seriously contaminated sites, such as the remediation works for the smoke tunnel near Ying Yang Sea located in Jui-Fang, Taipei, Jui-Fang and Erh-Jen River polluted by galvanized waste water in Tainan, just to name a few. After remediation, these contaminated sites have been restored to their natural conditions, and are no longer a source of pollution to damage people's life quality in the neighborhood. In 2015, Cleanaway built a Green Wall on the exterior of one of Cleanaway's landfills, and the Wall is about 13.8 m of height, 180 m of length and measures 2,594 square meters. It is comprised of the plants of different varieties which forms an abstract painting of sunset. This particular project aims to reduce carbon emission, and ultimately to change the general public's stereotype and misconception in early days that landfills were odorous and dirty. In addition, with a team of qualified professionals, Cleanaway can turn pollutants into harmless resource through its sophisticated technologies. For example, the Green Wall uses the processed water to water its plants. On June 29th, 2015, this environmentally friendly Green Wall is recognized by Guinness World Records Ltd. and it set a new record for largest vertical garden in the world. Charles Luke, the chief inspector in the Greater China area awarded the certificate in person to Cleanaway Co. Ltd. to congratulate its success and complimented Taiwan's achievement on environment protection and thought Taiwan could be a model for the world. In recent years, illegal dump sites and contaminated factories have emerged from all over Taiwan. It clearly not only presents the challenge and need for government authorities to implement a system to inspect, monitor and audit the sites, but also emphasizes the importance of legal treatment plants for accepting waste. More than one decade, the Cleanaway Group has been holding up to its vision and mission by offering related professional environment protection services and one-stop-shop services to numerous clients. All operations have been conducted in accordance with EPA/EPB regulations, and international best practices including highest level of quality control, processing efficiency and fair pricing model. Cleanaway is proud of our significant contribution to the improvement in Taiwan's economy and environment. In future, Cleanaway will continue to expand its environmentally friendly business in Taiwan and overseas and to build strategic alliances with other top companies in the industry to achieve sustainability and diversification of the Group.

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