Cleverlance Enterprise Solutions
Cleverlance was established in 2000 as a purely Czech IT firm specialising in Java technology. By 2003 it was already the largest supplier of solutions on this platform in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. As Cleverlance reacted to technological changes and business trends, it added new technology, solutions, competencies and knowhow to its portfolio and it became a recognized player on the Czech IT market. Among Cleverlance's most significant customers in 2018 were Komerní banka (Societé Génerale), O2, Všeobecná úverová banka (Intesa Sanpaolo), Creditas Bank, SOB (KBC Bank), Škoda Auto, T-Mobile and the entire Deutsche Telekom Group, Vodafone, Moneta Money Bank, Slovenská sporitea and other major companies in finance, telecommunications, trade and industry. In 2019, the consolidated turnover of Cleverlance reached CZK 1.2 billion.