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Clixsy Digital Marketing

Clixsy Digital Marketing

Rank Driving SEO: While most SEO agencies are rehashing outdated 2012 tactics that hurt sites with over optimization or preaching impotent ideas like, 'you need to blog more', Clixsy focuses on rank-pushing activities. The results speak for themselves quickly. We show notable improvements in 90 days or less. Within 6 months, most clients are enjoying top percentile of market share. We don't bill for busy work. We bill for results because we don't have to guess at what really works. We know what role content plays and how to use it while others blindly copy what everyone else puts on their websites. We know how to push the envelope without being penalized by Google while others are either careless or baselessly over cautious. We have worked with other SEO agencies on joint projects with clients and have never been impressed. They are by and large indifferent to truely winning as long as they can report on something. The don't come to projects with a fighting mindset. They passively provide weak fulfillables such as powerless links and pointless blogs. Not only does Clixsy bring power and purpose to our core ranking activities, but we bring a competitive edge with proprietary tactics. No other agency (unless they partner with us) has the same ability to influence search results. We pioneered the ability to influence Google's "RankBrain" system which now makes up about 1/3 of ranking factors. The Best PPC Available: Most PPC / Adwords experts that we've worked with have impressive knowledge. But few put it full to use. You would be surprised at how lazy PPC providers typically are. Since they are paid a percentage of ad spend, they aren't always fully driven to find every opportunity to drive your ad costs down. As long as you don't object, they are often willing to set it and forget it. However, that mentality doesn't work for us because we are working on your campaign holistically. Meaning, SEO, PPC and display / social so that the total campaign needs to show wins. Winning in PPC means a cost per case average lower than you could get with other providers. That's what Clixsy can do. Not just beat your competition, but beat the cost of other providers in our business while doing a better job. Smart Ads: Organic search marketing is a long term strategy with almost unlimited ROI once rankings are achieved. However, we don't make you wait for rankings to get your phone ringing. Our "smart ads" tactics get you in front of people that have seen your competitors. These smart ad campaigns also work synergistically with PPC to drive the cost per lead and cost per case Imagine being able to retarget your competition's visitors and literally "stealing" their leads. Not only that, but unlike typical agency's paid campaigns, our smart ads can be tracked down to the actual individual person's name so that you can see person by person conversions.

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