Community Living
We provide an individualised service led by the people we support. Based in Hamilton, we work with communities throughout the middle of the north island including the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Taranaki. Our skilled and talented team of staff are constantly encouraged to upskill and think creatively in the ever-changing world we live in. We are always seeking innovative ways to meet and exceed the needs of the people we support. We strive to be leaders in our sector and we work with communities to help them become more inclusive and collaborative. We envision a society where people with disabilities live fulfilling lives and are given full citizenship rights. We work towards this with passion, innovation, collaboration and in an ethical and responsive way. We work in partnership with the people we support, their whanau/families and the broader community to facilitate each person we support having a voice and living a life of their choice. We encourage people to dream big and work collectively to support them to reach personal outcomes which will create their own life journey. This is our focus (Arotahi) - "Nou Te Mana - Lifestyle of choice".