Ceu Satiksmes Drošbas Direkcija
In CSDD you can obtain driving licences for bicycle, AM, A1, A2, A, B1, B, C1, C, D1, D, E category vehicles, as well as Recreational vessel driving licences for navigation in Latvian inland and international waters. Driving licences and recreational vessel driving licences can be obtained in 10 CSDD customer service centres, where licencing services are provided. In turn, a bicycle licence can be obtained at any CSDD customer service centre (except for road worthiness test stations). In any case, a driving licence (first issue, acquisition of additional category, exchange or renewal of a licence) is issued to a person who permanently resides in Latvia and whose normal residence is in Latvia ( Section 22 (1 ) (1 ) of the Road Traffic Law ). A driving licence is a document authorizing to drive vehicles of the categories specified therein. It complies with the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, as well as European Union legislation, and is valid for driving both in Latvia and abroad. Driving licences for categories AM, A1, A2, A, B, B1 or BE are valid for 10 years, while driving licences for categories C1, C, D1, D, C1E, CE, D1E, DE, TRAM or TROL category vehicles - 5 years. From the age of 10:
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