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DASURECO has always been true to its mis­sion in pro­vid­ing reli­able­power, thus, acquir­ing sup­ply con­tin­gen­cies and encom­pass­ing tan­gi­ble tech­ni­cal innovations. In 2016 , the Energy Reg­u­la­tory Com­mis­sion ( ERC ) granted the Coop with Pro­vi­sional Author­ity to draw power from Mapalad Power Cor­po­ra­tion, Inc. ( MPC ) which then started extend­ing energy to DASURECO at 6 MW up to 14 MW . This aug­mented sup­ply com­ing from exist­ing sup­pli­ers, which are NPC-PSALM , Tudaya 2 , Therma South Inc. ( TSI ), San Miguel Con­sol­i­dated Power Cor­po­ra­tion ( SMCPC ) and Fil­in­vest Devel­op­ment Cor­po­ra­tion ( FDC ). This Sup­ply and Demand Side Man­age­ment has spared the entire cov­er­age area from supply-related out­ages for the year. To fur­ther cope up with the fast-growing econ­omy of the fran­chise area, the Coop has entered into con­tracts with var­i­ous coal plants such as Sarangani Energy Corp ( SEC ) and GN Power to ensure our Member-Consumer-Owners of suf­fi­cient sup­ply. Cur­rently, the Coop­er­a­tive is into con­duct of stud­ies and analy­ses on prospec­tive power sup­pli­ers to guar­an­tee power qual­ity, depend­able and reasonably-priced sup­ply of elec­tric­ity for the peo­ple of Davao del Sur for the year 2017 and onwards. As always, the Coop­er­a­tive keeps its member-consumer-owners in the loop of pur­sued inno­va­tions. At the height of its respon­si­bil­ity for total elec­tri­fi­ca­tion con­sid­ers whop­ping chal­lenge for the Sol­diers of Light, yet with the col­lar of reliance from its con­sumers and firm part­ner­ship with the local gov­ern­ment, DASURECO will con­tinue to grow and be of ser­vice to the peo­ple of Davao del Sur and Davao Occidental. FAST FACTS

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