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Desert Island Survival

Desert Island Survival

We ensure you are equipped with the top of the range tried and tested equipment and consider the little things, right down to ice cold drinks waiting on the boat when rescue arrives. Responsible travel, preservation and the protection of the pristine locations we operate in is of the utmost importance to us. We feel it is our duty to ensure these environments remain this way. With this in mind, when catching fish we are highly selective and ensure that we only take examples of adequate size and of sustainable species. We never catch more than we need to sustain the group and there is never by-catch. We ensure that we leave no trace of our being on the island and take time at the end of every expedition to deconstruct shelters and collect any litter we find washed up on the beach, particularly that which can be of harm to the local wildlife. In addition, we take pride in supporting the local economy, offering employment to those that need it most. Tom Williams established Desert island survival and is one of our resident instructors. When he is not scouting for new islands, he runs at least 5 of the courses each year and has now clocked a cumulative 6 months of desert island living. Although island life is his real passion, Tom has also turned his hands to colder climes embarking on a 360 mile race to the Magnetic North Pole, holding the polar challenge world record for the fastest mixed team. If you are interested in hearing more, Tom recently recorded a podcast about growing up and how Desert island survival came to be. You can listen here.

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About Desert Island Survival

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French Polynesia

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