Dewrell & Herndon
We often make referrals to the counseling center at Lakeview after a diagnosis has been made. As you probably know by now, we prefer Amen Clinics, Inc. and Psychological Associates for diagnostic evaluations. With regard to Amen Clinics, we tend to refer clients to the clinic in Reston, Virginia, if driving, and Newport Beach, California, if flying. The cost to fly into John Wayne Airport Pensacola, Niceville, or anywhere in north Florida is about the same as the cost to fly to Reston, Virginia because virtually all flights go through Atlanta. Psychological Associates is located in downtown Pensacola, Florida while Lakeview center is located - appropriately so - on Lakeview street near Baptist Hospital. We strongly believe that the future of Florida state criminal law is going to be a merger of Florida criminal law, psychology, and psychiatry. We also believe that there is one fundamental principle that is critical to the success of solving the problem of recidivism: An accurate diagnosis must be made before treatment is undertaken. To further this goal of an accurate diagnosis, we are increasingly using SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) in addition to neuropsychological evaluative techniques. Sadly, the adoption of SPECT as a standard diagnostic tool has been hampered by clinicians who are unaware of how to use SPECT clinically as opposed to research. This is changing, as clinicians become more aware of this powerful technology, and we have actually formed a non-profit organization to raise greater awareness of how to use SEPCT in criminal cases. Baptist was one of the first health care providers to bring in the DaVinci system for robotic prostatectomy surgery, so we imagine that in the not so distant future that the counseling center at Lakeview will be one of the first centers in the Pensacola area to use SPECT for psychiatric diagnosis. When appropriate, Pensacola Attorney Stephen G. Cobb is committed to helping people solve the legal problem and the problem behavior that led to you and your family needing a Florida criminal lawyer in the first place.
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