Digital Marketing Belgium
Digital Marketing Belgium (DMB) is your free online hub for learning , discussing industry-related news , and networking . Apart from being a vibrant community, DMB offers digital marketing services for SMBs. DMB was founded by Artur 'T Kindt and Elyssa Van Landeghem on March 8th 2016 with one simple goal in mind: to unite all digital marketing enthusiasts in Belgium . So far, we've welcomed more than 5,300 top-notch digital marketing professionals who love sharing tips and tricks to help you grow as a professional. Our community is heavily moderated and will only bring you the most valuable content , anytime, anywhere. Finally, we share our knowledge by offering digital marketing services including copywriting/translation, search engine advertising, social media management and reach amplification . By leveraring our active and engaging community, you can enable conversations with potential customers, employees, influencers and/or brand ambassadors.