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DisputeSoft specializes in liability issues arising in computer software cases. Our professional staff provides wide-ranging technical consulting services required by counsel in cost-effectively resolving such software disputes. Specifically, we serve as consulting and testifying experts in software project failure cases. We also serve as consulting and testifying experts in connection with software intellectual property disputes, including: Software copyright infringement, Software trade secret misappropriation, and Software patent infringement Irrespective of the type of software dispute you may have, we have developed a needed strong sub-specialty in uncovering facts that support or refute underlying technical issues. To achieve this result, we have developed a core discipline in computer forensics and electronic discovery. Expertise in these areas is imperative for effectively locating and recovering relevant electronically stored information (ESI), given that today virtually all business records are stored electronically. Whether the dispute requires software failure expertise or a software intellectual property expert, experienced DisputeSoft professionals can assist you both in uncovering, preserving and acquiring relevant data and software, and in the analysis needed to resolve the underlying dispute in the most expeditious manner possible. Our analysis usually leads to expert opinions and an expert report, which we are prepared to defend in deposition or at trial with effective and persuasive expert testimony. We apply our scientific, technical and specialized knowledge gained from decades of real-world experience as software engineers, project managers and system integrators to substantially assist the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to determine a fact in issue. Based in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, our practice is international in scope, with clients located in Europe, Asia, Canada, and major U.S. cities such as New York, Boston, Chicago, Miami, Dallas and San Francisco. Attorneys who require expert assistance to resolve software failure disputes or cases involving software intellectual property misappropriation or infringement are invited to contact DisputeSoft for a private consultation.

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North Bethesda




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Programming Languages And Frameworks

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