DoctorHelps - a service by search of a doctors and hospitals, designed to help people quickly find a good doctor and make an appointment to him. At our resource you can find more then 800 000 doctors and more then 4500 hospitals. For each doctor collected full details: experience, qualifications, specialization, cost of services, addresses and telephone numbers of health-care companies. And, of course, the most important thing - it's reviews and ratings. Our system allows you to assess the five criteria of a doctor on the five-point system, and also specify how long you've been waiting to see a doctor and recommend of the doctor. The Convenient search by name of the doctor, the hospital name, location (state, city) helps you find the right doctor or medical center. Also you can navigate and find doctor by doctor's specialty, medical insurances, medical procedures and conditions, and even by a spoken language. Reference and information medical portal also offers reference information to all persons interested in medicine and healthy living. The website contains a lot of medical scientific and popular articles, which are constantly expanded and updated. For this on the website is allocated a special section Medical blog, numbering more 400 articles related with more then 110 medical topics such as Family Practice, Dermatology, Diabetes & Endocrinology, Naturopathy, Diet and Nutrition, Dental Hygiene, Pediatrics, Plastic Surgery, Psychology, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Internal Medicine, Physical Therapy, and more.
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