It's now run by a cooperative of friendly moderators. Since its founding in 2005, the site has grown steadily and as of August 2017 has over 298,000 registered members from around the world. Of course it's free to sign up at our site, and only a small fraction of these people have gone the extra mile and made a donation. Becoming a donating member has lots of additional benefits so we hope you'll consider becoming one of our supporters. The programmers at are dedicated to providing professional quality software and professional quality support. We take seriously the need to solicit donations, and the need to distribute donations to the people who contribute to the website, whether in the form of software, support, or editorial content. We like serving as an example that donating to good software projects can have tangible benefits for the user, and we like the idea that people should be able to decide how much they would like to (or can afford to) donate, and where that donation should go. We think the world would be a better place if more digital media was available as donationware, and if more people embraced the idea of donating to causes they support. THE PEOPLE OF DONATIONCODER.COM