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Donetsk Chamber of Commerce

Donetsk Chamber of Commerce

More than 900 enterprises are now the members of Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 70% of which are representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Donetsk CCI constantly promotes goods and services of enterprises in the region, provides them with systemic economic and legal support, helps in finding reliable foreign partners, promotes the development of export-oriented enterprises. The Chamber provides certification, expertise and bar coding services. In addition, Chamber experts provide services demanded by entrepreneurs in the region - legal support of economic activity, foreign translations, registration of trademarks, legal expert examination of force majeure. Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry directs its efforts to solve the problems of regional enterprises at the legislative level - to resolve issues related to the peculiarities of economic activity in the territory of ATO. The staff of the Chamber is constantly working on information gathering on enterprise issues, analyzing existing legislation and draft regulations, developing proposals for improving legislation to improve the business situation in the region. The range of Donetsk Chamber of Commerce is expanding, and the Chamber itself has become a leader and business consultant for many of the regional exporters to the EU markets. Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry has developed a unique portal Export-UA - a roadmap of successful export for entrepreneurs. The Mediation Center of Donetsk CCI has been established for mediation, counseling and mediation training, implementation of international experience and conflict resolution and disputes. Specialists of the Center for Transparent Procurement of the International Institute of Entrepreneurship of DCCI, including 2 regional agents of the State Enterprise "ProZorro" in the Donetsk region, conduct training on the organization, participation and procurement of ProZorro systems. Besides, Outgoing ProZorro Information and Advice Offices are created. Protecting the rights and representing business interests is an important task of the Small and Medium Enterprise Development Center of Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Representatives of the Chamber participate in the work of the Regional Council of Entrepreneurs in Donetsk region. Work is being carried out in the sectoral committees of the Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry - the Committee on Small and Medium-Sized Businesses, the Committee for the Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Nature Use, and the Committee on the Development of Women's Entrepreneurship. The Chamber's experts conduct free consultations for the business of the region for the preparation of grant applications and the search for business partners. An annual "Entrepreneur of the Year" competition is held annually among SME representatives. An effective tool for supporting regional business and developing foreign economic relations was the International Economic Forum "Open Donbass", which has traditionally been held in Donetsk CCI since 2005. Every year the geography of the international business relations of the Donetsk Chamber of Commerce and Industry continues to expand. Business missions (roadshows) abroad of Ukrainian entrepreneurs are regularly organized by DCCI. Participation of Donetsk CCI in international projects contributes to creating a favorable business climate in the region. Donetsk CCI takes part in the following projects: GIZ (Fit for partnership with Germany); East Invest, East Invest 2; a project between DIHK Service GmbH, Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and 4 regional CCIs; UNDP project "Strengthening of business associations of small and medium enterprises"; Private Sector Growth Strategies Private Sector Training Program, organized by the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (SIDA). As part of the EU4Business project, the Donetsk CCI became an official partner of the EBRD, and in 2017 the Center for Business Support was established on the basis of the DCCI. Services

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