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Dr. Dean Howell

Dr. Dean Howell

NCR involves controlled release of the connective tissue tension to unwind the body and return it toward its original design. NCR utilizes careful analysis of the body's proprioception (patterns of balance) to determine the precise areas of the skull needing to be unlocked during each day's treatment. This sounds very complex, but in practice it is relatively simple: First, the patient receives preparatory, customized NCR bodywork. This includes the limbs, back, abdomen and skull. Next, the patient is analyzed to determine the final portion of the cranial treatment for that day. Then the patient is placed on a treatment table with pelvic stabilizing wedges, sometimes a cranial pillow, and an assistant who helps to position him/her in a very specific way. This protocol achieves optimal results with greater patient comfort. The skull is then released by the action of a small "endonasal" balloon that is inserted into the nostril, inflated briefly, and removed. Many patients report that the inflation feels like getting water up their nose in a swimming pool. Finally, a recheck of body balance and stability verifies that NCR is complete for that day. Endonasal balloons have been a valuable tool in practice since the early 1930s. These treatments, such as "Bilateral Nasal Specific" therapy, often gave relief of symptoms and some long-term results. However, these older, generalized approaches were frequently painful. NCR is different from these therapies. Through careful analysis, specific bodywork, and precise positioning, NCR treatment unlocks the residual tensions of the connective tissues and allows the structural systems of the body to move incrementally and cumulatively towards the original design of the body. Thus, NCR can permanently change the entire skeletal structure, providing better posture and balance and relieving muscle tension and joint distortion. And so much more. NCR creates a permanent structural release for the changes triggered by traumatic events of a body's life. Birth trauma, accidents and falls, sports injuries, medical procedures, severe emotional and biochemical traumas are just some of the causes of musculoskeletal damage that are released with NCR. Conditions like: Alzheimer's Anxiety and nervousness Arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism Attention Deficit Disorder, dyslexia, hyperactivity and other learning disabilities Autism Cerebral palsy Concussion and other head injuries Depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder Down's Syndrome Dystonia Ear infection and deafness Glaucoma, double vision and other vision problems Headaches, head pressure, migraines Insomnia Low energy, Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue Muscle spasms, neck and shoulder pain Organ functioning Orthodontic stress and bruxism Osteoporosis Parkinson's disease and tremors Phobias Poor concentration and focus Relationship difficulties Sciatica, kyphosis (hunchback), lordosis (swayback), scoliosis (spiral spine), military spine & other problems Seizures Sinusitis, sleep apnea, snoring, other breathing and sinus disorders Strokes Tinnitus TMD, TMJ (mouth, head and jaw pains) Vertigo and other balance problems Whiplash Syndrome Wrinkles (NCR replaces a face lift) NCR helps these conditions (and more) because they all have either a structural cause or a significant structural component. NCR is simple, painless and powerful.

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About Dr. Dean Howell

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