E6 International
e6 International Inc. is a CFO working with organizations focused on growth. Focusing our passion on supporting Growth Oriented Business Leaders, we employ a comprehensive approach to understanding ...the unique challenges of your organization, stabilizing your operational platform and aligning business capabilities with your specific growth objectives. Like a pit crew, (before, during & after an important race) we will work with you to ensure that all parts are optimized and are set to deliver a winning performance.The services we provide include: Financial - Financial planning and projections - Accounting services - Financial due diligence in relation to specific transactions - Business valuations - Corporate finance and capital structure analysis - M & A - Financial strategy Management - Contract negotiation - Business risk management - Negotiate exclusivities, franchise rights, license, operating rights, etc. - Business Processes Legal - Drafting and negotiating contractual documentation - particularly international deals - Legal due diligence for common law jurisdictions - Managing legal due diligence for international transactions Tax/Structuring - Advising on international structures with a view to asset protection and risk management - Structuring to optimize eventual returns with a focus on tax efficient expatriation of dividends; split between debt and equity; and which jurisdictions offer the best investments regimes - A "health check" on current set-ups from an international tax/asset protection viewpoint