The platform can be used in personal computers, tablets and smartphones. We use the Electronic Training Management System (ETMS) that allows to manage users' information, trainings and compliance reports electronically. In addition, we provide a great security system that protects the integrity of the information of individuals and entities in its database. Our simple and intuitive interface allows the user to start training with a single click, once the user is registered with the unique identifier of your organization. Among the services included are: measuring time when the user connects and concludes the training; sending notifications about due dates to users and administrator of the account; intermittent access capability of the training; quarterly electronic reports on users, among others. can adapt your trainings, policies and procedures into its system. In other words, we ensure total training control and compliance required for each employee. We are an online platform associated to Eduxys LLC, a company dedicated to solutions for Internet trainings for individuals, groups and entities. To chat with us contact: [email protected] leave your name, phone number and interest and we will respond within 48 hours. leftpic About Us