Eisenhower Center
Eisenhower Center offers 11 residential settings designed to meet the specific needs of each resident. Accommodations range from closely supervised living areas to supported apartment living for those who are able to live on their own. We encourage residents to take an active role in Ann Arbor community life. Transportation is provided for the many residents who work, volunteer, visit, take classes, or attend meetings off campus. In addition, two daily outings take residents to movies, plays, sporting events, museums, and other attractions. Our compassionate staff provides expert rehabilitation services, including occupational therapy, physical therapy, counseling, psychotherapy, and comprehensive speech and language training. We also provide extensive vocational services, a Substance Abuse Prevention Program that is closely linked with AA and NA, health education, and enthusiastic support for academic and artistic pursuits. Since 1993, Eisenhower Center has been committed to working with patients to set goals and achieve them, all in an environment of comfort, community, and caring. Whether an accident, combat injury, or other circumstance brings the individual to us, our client-first focus means everyone is treated in the best, most caring way possible, and every family gets the respect they deserve.