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ELCA Church

ELCA Church

- The ELCA is promoting a brand of "universal salvation. The first printing of the ELCA's Augsburg Fortress Lutheran Study Bible says, "Jesus includes in salvation people who do not believe in him or even know about him. That is not Biblical. Is this the denomination we want to have ties to? - This denomination teaches that Jesus did not say what the Bible says He said. Is this the denomination we want to have ties to? - They date the writings of scripture by seeing when "prophecies are fulfilled" and decide there is no way the writers could know what would happen before hand, so they decide scripture must have been written after the fulfillment. i.e. - God not involved. Is this the denomination we want to have ties to? - The ELCA does not believe there is prophecy in the Bible! There are hundreds of places where the Bible says there is! Jesus says many times that it does. Some people say over 25% of the Bible is prophetic. Is this the denomination we want to have ties to? - This denomination has denied God's authorship of the Holy Bible, as evidenced from the listing above. And the Bible even refers to itself as Holy (2 Timothy 3:15). Is this the denomination we want to have ties to? - The ELCA has taken a stand against Israel. They threaten to stop all financial relations with Israel. They want Jerusalem and parts of Israel given to the Arabs. God gave Israel that land. It states it clearly in the Bible. God confirmed it with Isaac and Jacob that the land was for them. This is against God's will, and it is an action that the Bible warns about. "In those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. There I will enter into judgment against them concerning my inheritance, my people Israel, for they scattered my people among the nations and divided up my land.

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