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Elliott Bay Brewing

Elliott Bay Brewing

Our two owners, Todd Carden and Brent Norton, met in 1994 while working for the iconic Maritime Pacific Brewing Company in Ballard. They forged a friendship and explored their common goal and dream of owning and operating their own brewpub. In November 1996 they signed their first lease and began construction of a brewpub in the historic "Junction" of West Seattle. They opened the Elliott Bay Brewery and Pub for business on July 11, 1997. Since it's inception, Elliott Bay Brewing Company has been a leader in sustainability, philanthropic support, and instrumental in creating an amazing sense of community in the neighborhoods which it serves. Each of our three brewpubs are certified Organic-fostering our commitment to our environment and farmers who support our common goals. Todd and Brent are passionate about creating environments where products and service are crafted by professionals who love what they do, and where everyone in our community is welcome. With over 30 years of combined store operations, and literally hundreds of thousands of customers passing through our doors, we have remained focused on doing things the right way. Meet the Elliott Bay Leadership team...

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About Elliott Bay Brewing

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United States