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We secure energy for more than 40.000 businesses across the Nordics. Norway was the first country in Scandinavia to deregulate its electricity market. In 1995 Thomas Hakavik, founder and CEO of VENI Energy Group, established Norsk Energirevisjon in Drammen. Hakavik's motivation for founding the company was the awareness that a number of companies with large energy consumption had signed unfavourable contracts with utilities. Moreover, these companies were being incorrectly invoiced under complex new regulations. The company pioneered our Energy Audit concept, and demand for invoice verification grew rapidly in the deregulated market. To date, refunds Energy Audit has obtained for its corporate clients total several hundred million NOK. In 1996 the group established its Smart Metering service for commercial properties. The concept encompasses a simplification of management and organization for energy-efficient operation of multiple-tenant facilities, while avoiding additional cost for owners and tenants. Metering and Energy Management is now Norway's market leader, with a large number of leading real estate companies as clients, managing energy for more than 200 properties in Norway and Sweden. In 1999 the group opened an office in Gothenburg and expanded its services to cover Sweden. In 2007 the company established Energy Sourcing as a new business area, focusing on procuring electricity on best possible terms for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Today, Energy Sourcing is a leading player in the Nordics, sourcing more than 7 TWh (billion kWh) per year. In the summer of 2016 Norvestor became the largest shareholder of VENI Energy Group. Norvestor is a private equity fund with headquarters in Oslo, Norway. Today the group encompasses multiple enterprices. In 2017 VENI Energy Group acquired Enegia Market Services OY and Yrittäjäin Sähkönhankinta OY in Finland, as well as Enegia Sweden AB. Enegia Market Services is a leading independent energy intermediary for SMEs. In January 2018 Enegia Market Services' new name became VENI Energia, as part of the name change of the group to VENI Energy Group during the spring 2018. Following these acquisitions, VENI Energy Group provides active energy sourcing and other services to more than 40.000 business customers across the Nordics. Group companies:

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