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ETIC Engineering

ETIC Engineering

ETIC provided turn-key environmental services to Nestlé USA at a former distribution and maintenance facility located in West Oakland. Remediation was conducted by ETIC over a 2.5 year period to reduce free product levels to trace measurements. ETIC conducted environmental modeling to estimate the transport of chemicals of potential concern (COPCs) in the saturated and vadose zones. The results of the modeling were used for the human health risk assessment developed for the site. The human health risk assessment focused on development of risk-based soil and groundwater screening levels for over 50 COPCs, including petroleum hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated solvents, PCBs, pesticides, and heavy metals. Risk-based screening levels protective of future construction workers and daily site occupants were used for development of construction worker health and safety plans and risk management strategies to ensure protection of site occupants during proposed construction and redevelopment activities. ETIC successfully made a case to the RWQCB and the ACHCA that the site hydrogeology and natural attenuation processes would restrict plume migration even though some free product remained in wells and soil in the source area. The site was subsequently closed based on these arguments and our client was able to divest the property. Additional services provided to Nestlé included: legal support during sale of the property; development of a Corrective Action Plan which included public meetings and informational literature, development of a Risk Management Plan for use by future property owners, developers, and site occupants; and an Assessment of Historic Buildings found on the site.

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About ETIC Engineering



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Environmental Services



Pleasant Hill




United States

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