Evolve Technologies
After 25 years, F&J has undergone a name change to EVOLVE TECHNOLOGIES effective from Tuesday 13th December. You will now receive emails from - @evolvetech.com.au and our reception and help desk will be answering the phones as Evolve Technologies. If you could please advise key staff. F&J Professional Computer Services has delivered quality services and support to our clients since 1992. During this time our business has experienced positive growth and diversified into many I.T. related fields. To reflect this shift we felt it was timely to undergo a fresh rebrand. Our new brand, Evolve Technologies, captures a sense of progression whilst maintaining the professionalism we are renowned and trusted for. Our new logo further supports this concept through the new Evolve Technologies 'tick of approval'. This element captures the idea of moving forward and continual betterment, while also speaking of the security and trust we provide our clients. We are excited to unveil our new look and look forward to providing continued quality IT services for a further 20 years and beyond.