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Exclamation Labs

Exclamation Labs

Exclamation Labs is a full-service web or interactive agency. The Exclamation Labs team has well over 100 years of combined experience in graphic design, web development, system administration, programming, project management, marketing and much more. For some companies Exclamation Labs serves as a marketing resource-developing creative campaigns, increasing traffic and analyzing results. For others, the company is an IT resource-designing interfaces, modeling data, and securing the network. To properly execute on either side of the business, a team must have knowledge of both sides. Why should our company or department choose Exclamation Labs? Aside from the fact that Exclamation Labs has produced award-winning web solutions in both the public and private sectors-the company also provides an easy working relationship. Everyone on the team is passionate about their craft. If we were in this solely for business purposes, we'd probably be doing something else. But the team enjoys sharing in a winning collaboration with clients and the business is appreciated. That's why Exclamation Labs has had clients for more than 10 years. Located in scenic Western Maryland, the cost of doing business is less than a Manhatten agency-even though the work is equal or better. I need a web site for my business. Does Exclamation Labs work with small companies? Typically Exclamation Labs works with medium to large companies. Not to be discriminatory, but the costs to having our team in place usually makes Exclamation Labs cost prohibitive. If you're looking for a small business or shopping cart web site, there are generally great local resources in most areas. Exclamation Labs specializes in developing a strategic web presence for corporations and destinations. Do you do web hosting? Exclamation Labs hosts web sites for customers who use the Forest™ Destination Marketing System. This network is a carrier-class facility located at the Qwest® CyberCenter in Chicago. For corporate clients needing co-located servers, special arrangements can be made. Exclamation Labs generally does not host individual web sites. On the home page you're making fun of "canned solutions", but isn't Forest a "canned solution?" While the Forest Destination Marketing System is a product, it is anything but a "cookie cutter" approach. Each Forest implementation is customized to its market and purpose. Each is unique and different and an enormous amount of work is required to make it so. For more about Forest, visit

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