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Falcon Art Community

Falcon Art Community

The Falcon Art Community provides a unique and dedicated setting for artists whose work combines excellence in craftsmanship and original vision. Inspiring and masterful artwork, mindful design, and neighbors who are each innovative and hardworking result in an environment which can catalyze the creation of truly great art. Founded in 2006 by Portland Real Estate Developer Brian Wannamaker, the Falcon model is a rare thing: a privately funded arts organization. This allows working artists to thrive while other residents of the community can enjoy a higher quality of life throughout the neighborhood and feel good about contributing to the success of these artists. With the assistance of Falcon residents, Falcon Studio artists enjoy: excellent, secure workspaces for focused work community and cross-pollination with many of Portland's best artists patronage of work through sales and placement of artworks throughout the city in high-profile locations, such as the Mayor's office low commissions on sales, to ensure income stays with the artist possible inclusion in the Falcon's museum-quality Permanent Collection promotion of artists' events, shows and workshops individually tailored professional development services from full-time Falcon Art Community staff participation in high-profile open studio events discounts on everything from art supplies to tax preparation rents subsidized by income from other Falcon Art Community properties The Falcon Art Community is comprised of some of the best musicians, painters, sculptors, composers, writers and actors in Portland, carefully selected through a portfolio review.

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About Falcon Art Community



Estimated Revenue






Fine Art







United States

Tech Stack (22)
