F and P Construction
F and P Construction is a Family Company. It was founded by Randy and Cindy Pitts and employs Vice President Dayton Pitts. The Pitts family has taken this Family Company and extended its family to include its employees, general contractors and sub-contractors. We feel that there is only one thing more powerful than a good team and that is a great family. F and P Construction has little to no turn over and many of our employees have worked their way from entry level positions to leadership positions. We take great pride in our employees and they take great pride in the company. We also have excellent relationships with the Owners and General Contractors we work with. Several of the contractors we work with work with us exclusively because they know that they can count on us to get their jobs done. We have also built a family of sub-contractors that we know will provide the best pricing, highest quality work, and perform to any schedule. With our experience, skills and family attitude we are proud to say that we are the premier grading contractor in Northern Nevada.