Ferronor es una empresa chilena especializada en transporte ferroviario de carga que opera en la zona Norte del país. La Empresa proporciona servicios a distintas industrias, entregando beneficios que... agregan valor a sus clientes, tales como: eficiencia, confiabilidad, seguridad, y menores impactos al medio ambiente asociado al transporte de carga. Su red se compone de una línea Principal de trocha métrica entre la Estación de Iquique en la Primera Región y la Estación de la Calera en la Quinta Región y, de un conjunto de ramales ferroviarios, principalmente transversales. En conjunto forman una red de 2.300 kilómetros, que conecta los principales puertos y centros mineros de Chile. A través del ramal internacional Augusta Victoria - Socompa (II Región), Ferronor tiene conexión con las redes ferroviarias de Argentina, Bolivia y Brasil. Ferronor is a Chilean company specialized in railway freight transport with operations in Northern Chile. The company provides services of excellence to various industries, delivering benefits that translate to added value for its customers. Benefits of freight transportation include efficiency, reliability, safety, and minor impact on the environment. The network consists of a metric gauge main line that runs between Iquique station, in the First Region, and Calera station, in the Fifth Region, with a variety of railway branches, mostly transverse. All together there is a network of 2,300 kilometers, connecting the main ports and mining sites in Chile. Through the international branch Augusta Victoria - Socompa (II Region), Ferronor has connection with the rail networks of Argentina, Bolivia and Brazil.
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