Flowrox is proud of Lappeenranta's enthusiasm and the actions it is taking to reduce environmental impacts and to create a cleaner and greener environment for all of us. Flowrox is a member of the Lappeenranta Green Energy Showroom (GES), which is promoting this positive trend. GES aims to create more business from sustainable solutions. Lappeenranta is the only city in Finland to be included in the final stage of the WWF's international Earth Hour City Challenge. The jury that selected the finalists was convinced in particular by Lappeenranta's aim to become a zero-waste and carbon neutral city by the year 2050. As a family-owned company, Flowrox wants to remain in Lappeenranta even though we export the majority of our production and we have several subsidiaries around the world. Close cooperation with Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), an internationally recognized energy and environmental technology expert, has been important for us since the establishment of the university.