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It's easy to be yourself on Friended, no fakes allowed Video chat, play the guess me game, and take quizzes Post an icebreaker, and within seconds, you'll get numerous direct messages from real people. There are no public comments anywhere on the app. Once you see someone that you relate to, direct message them right through their post. Tip: Flip up to view more people's thoughts. All major browsers are supported including Internet Explorer. Send it to your best friends and your grandma. Friended has made a big impact in my life because it has allowed me to finally open up... I would definitely have to say this app is the best app I ever downloaded. I met my best friend a few months ago, and weve been together for a while. Thank you. "Ive met 3 new good friends on this app and it has gotten me out of my comfort zone. Ive never saw myself on an app like this to look for new people to talk to and Ive met so many amazing people that I have stuff in common with. This app changed my life. I benefited from this app for the long run. I owe the developers a shot of whiskey or moonshine. I love you guys. You guys changed my life. "I met my wife on this app, we are both happy." I have made some lifelong relationships through this app. I cannot put into words how grateful I am that this app exists. Again, thank you for this app

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