Fusionbox is a full-service Denver Internet marketing, web design, and web development company specializing in search engine marketing services and search engine optimization strategy. We provide complete web solutions that drive leads and ultimately sales. Essentially, we help businesses create an online presence with internet marketing strategies designed to increase search engine visibility (SEO), ensure superior user experience (usability), and achieve the best possible return on investment (ROI). The goal of Fusionbox's Internet marketing strategic process is to create results that impact your bottom line. So we start from the ground up with search engine friendly design that creates a foundation for outstanding organic positioning that drives leads by increasing targeted traffic to your site. Simply put, we're Denver's search engine optimization experts providing comprehensive Internet marketing solutions that create results for our clients. We've developed a complete Internet marketing skillset that ensures your site is visible to those searching for it. Our time-tested and results-proven process ensures that your target audience finds your site and has an exceptional user experience throughout their visit. Any search engine optimization strategy is always defined with your users in mind. After all, your users' needs and goals form the core of any marketing initiative, whether online or off. By putting ourselves into your users' shoes, we can understand what information they're searching for. This allows us to create a site that caters to your users' needs while encouraging conversions. At the same time, your site becomes a powerful channel through which to define and manage customer relationships. For Fusionbox, this is the foundation of user-centric design. With this in mind, we optimize your site's code, content, and links to increase your organic search rank while using social media marketing and Web 2.0 technologies to strategically position your site where your target audience spends time online. We also utilize Pay Per Click campaigns to target specific keywords integral to your web presence and brand message. Still, your Internet Marketing efforts don't mean a thing unless you can prove that they're increasing sales. That's why Fusionbox ties every search engine technique to a lead generation and web analytics program. Using these tools, we can measure campaign effectiveness and track ROI while continuing to optimize your site. Fusionbox builds sites to be found. The name "Fusionbox" is meant to suggest something about our philosophy: By bringing together the talent in our company with the talent in yours, we consistently achieve results that delight customers. Based in Denver, Colorado and originally a three member team in 2000, Fusionbox was comprised of a programmer, a designer, and a project manager. We're not much bigger today quite intentionally -- by keeping ourselves small and lean, we can ensure the highest level of quality while keeping our overhead down. This allows us to have competitive prices for superior products.