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Gazprom Neft Badra

Gazprom Neft Badra

Gazprom Neft Badra is the operator developing the Badra oil field located in Wasit Province in Eastern Iraq. Tender for Badra oil field development was held by the Iraqi Government in December 2009. The contract was awarded to the international consortium comprising Gazprom Neft (30%), Kogas (Korea, 22.5%), Petronas (Malaysia, 15%), and ?P?? (Turkey, 7.5%). The share of the Iraqi Government represented by the Iraqi Oil Exploration Company (OEC) is 25%. Badra development contract was signed in January 2010. Status of the project operator was obtained by Gazprom Neft. In October 2010, demining activities began at the oil field. In four years, 30 million square meters of area were cleared of mines and unexploded objects left in the ground during the border conflict of 1980-1988. Altogether 21,980 mines and unexploded objects were found and deactivated. The Badra oil field is the most complicated one in the region in terms of geology. Its structure resembles of a multi-layer pie: argillaceous deposits interstratified with limestone make drilling a tough job. From the very beginning geological information on the oil field was very scarce. Exploration was carried out together with drilling the first well. Gazprom Neft Badra started industrial production in May 2014. In August the same year, the company proceeded to commercial production and deliveries of oil to the pipeline system of Iraq, in order to transfer oil to the export terminal in Basrah (Persian Gulf). Processing train B for rectification and separation of hydrocarbon gazes was launched at Badra oilfield Central Processing Facility in December 2015. The train B increased the capacity of the plant from 45 to 85 thousand barrels per day. Process train C is expected to be brought into operation in 2016, allowing the central processing facility to reach its full planned capacity of 115,000 barrels per day. Prior to its full utilization, process train C will be used as a backup facility in order to minimize losses during the planned refurbishment and repair of oil treatment facilities. Badra is linked with the main pipeline system of Iraq with 165 km pipeline. Oil in all oil fields located in Southern Iraq, including Badra, is of Basrah Light Grade. Initial production output within the frameworks of this project is estimated approximately at 15,000 barrels per day. According to the Oil Field Development Contract, the peak oil production in the amount of 115,000 barrels per day (about 5,75 million tons per year) is to be achieved in 2017, and will remain at this level for seven years.

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