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Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority

The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority provides sound, just and receptive management of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and World Heritage Area by protecting the natural values of the Marine Park and World Heritage Area, and effectively managing use practices which threaten the natural values; providing for a diverse range of use opportunities consistent with World Heritage obligations, nature conservation, cultural and heritage values; managing impacts of use to maintain nature conservation, cultural heritage use and community values; maintaining and enhancing diverse use which provides for the aspirations of reef users, Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, residents and the global community; providing publications and information about the Marine Park in a form suitable for and accessible to their clients; disseminating research information about the management, appreciation and biological diversity of the Great Barrier Reef; and providing high quality, timely, comprehensive advice to the Minister on marine environmental policy and legislation, especially that which impacts on the management of the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park extends to low-water mark only. The Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area extends to the low-water mark on the mainland coast, but also includes all the islands and waters within the outer boundaries of the Marine Park. The Authority does not manage Queensland-owned State parks that fall within the Area.

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About Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority



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