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Green Gorilla Apps

Green Gorilla Apps

At Green Gorilla Apps we're constantly striving to improve our business. And we want the same for you. We believe in making hundreds of tiny tweaks so that we're constantly getting better at what we do and how we do it. Our team of four sits down together every week to come up with one or two ways we can improve. And the idea for Loggable came out of one of those meetings. After a tough week, where we'd all worked long hours to deliver a project on time, something occurred to us. We had no way of recording the actual hours spent on a project versus the number of hours we'd budgeted for in the quote. We knew how profitable we were each month or each year. But we had no idea how profitable each project was. We needed to know which work was profitable, and which work was only breaking even or actually costing us money. So we developed a tool to help us log our working hours: Loggable. Now we can create accurate quotes for our app development business based on facts rather than guesswork. We know which projects are most profitable and can actively try to win more of them. We always planned to share Loggable with the business community. But the more people who come on board, the more we can see how incredibly useful it is to a wide range of people. Loggable works for anyone who wants to stay in control of their business, keep track of their time and ultimately bring more money in. It works for both self-employed sole traders and teams of people. It's clearly a good fit for professionals who bill for their time, such as accountants and lawyers. But it works for anyone who provides a business service or product. Your quote relates to the time involved. Once you know where your time is going, you can become more efficient and also consider raising your prices if you've been quoting too low. Loggable can also push you to improve your work life balance. One customer was shocked to discover he was working a 70-hour week. If you work into the evening you may not notice all the hours you're putting in. Seeing it in black and white can push you to work smarter so you have more time to spend with your family. Loggable is also great for Research and Development projects, where you may want to show a potential investor how much time you've invested so far. And there's one more reason to log your hours - there are tax savings to be had via R & D tax credits and Patent Box. If you've ever spent the final week of a project working every hour possible and questioning whether you might have quoted too low, then you need Loggable. If you'd like to know more about us, read our blog at

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About Green Gorilla Apps



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United Kingdom

Tech Stack (35)


Programming Languages And Frameworks

Platform And Storage

Analytics and Tracking

Content Management System

JavaScript Libraries and Functions

Web Hosting Providers

Verified CDN