Atlas Networks
Atlas Networks was founded in 2008 in Seattle with the vision of providing fast, secure Internet while maintaining elite customer service. In 2009 Atlas took over a defunct telecommunications company in the golf resort community of Suncadia bordering Roslyn, WA. Within one year, Atlas completely overhauled their antiquated fiber network, replaced an outdated infrastructure, and installed fully digital IPTV and an upgraded phone platform. In 2011, Atlas formed the SeattleOnNet division, bringing broadband Internet to Seattle businesses and residential properties. Delivering Internet access speeds up to 1,000 Mbps (gigabit), Atlas is one of the fastest Internet providers available today. Atlas currently serves the homeowners of Suncadia, Tumble Creek, Swiftwater Winery and Suncadia Lodge in Eastern Washington. They also provide Internet connectivity to approximately 200 buildings in the downtown Seattle core and continue to expand that list on a daily basis.