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GMIS Semarang

GMIS Semarang

GMIS provides a holistic development and the continuous quest for knowledge is embedded in every individual. Student from different countries with different culture amalgamate to from an institution than encapsulates responsibility, care, respect, learning and camaraderie. It builds brotherhood and solidarity, cements integrity and fraternity, leading us all to what we are - a community we call GMIS. We often translate modern times with advancement in technology and industry. However, this endeavour to advance our civilization comes with a dire cost; global warming, deforestation, and extinction of precious flora and fauna. We truly believe that the future generation deserve much better than a tattered and withering world, and therefore we strive to instil environmental awareness and environment sustaining attitude in everyone in GMIS. After all, which technology can be more advanced than that which allows us to live alongside nature, instead of over exploiting it? To achieve the goal of sustainable development, we at GMIS believe that the earlier a child is educated to be environmentally friendly, the bigger contribution towards environmental protection he will make later in life. We are looking forward to help these future agents of change to give way to harmonious living with nature. With cooperation of parents and community, I am hopeful that GMIS in Semarang will accomplish much and yield good result.

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About GMIS Semarang



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