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Good Cycles

Good Cycles

Good Cycles was founded by Loretta Curtin and Luke Wright. The idea for this social enterprise was hatched one morning over a cup of tea. After countless more cups of tea, a multitude of meetings and a lot of hard work, the concept has grown into an inspiring non-profit organisation. To many, Good Cycles is an organisation that simply offers practical and time-saving services to Melbourne's cyclists. These include our Docklands bike shop, service centre, workshops and our mobile bicycle mechanics zipping around the city on cargo bikes (carrying tools and parts on board) tuning up and servicing bikes while people are at offices, universities, events, public places and on bike paths. As well as this, we also teach cyclists the essentials of bike maintenance and we help governments and organisations to deliver bicycle-based community programs. But there's something greater at the heart of Good Cycles. Our mission is to give a helping hand to those with genuine and often serious barriers to getting ahead in life. As a non-profit organisation, we aim to provide training, employment and direct ongoing support to people who might otherwise struggle to find genuine work opportunities. In particular, those who have been experiencing homelessness, substance abuse, domestic violence, mental illness, disability and other conditions that lead to distress or helplessness. At Good Cycles we believe bicycles are an excellent tool for achieving this mission of ours. The humble bike, considered by some as the greatest ever invention, is an important vehicle for engaging people and communities. It is our ongoing aim to continue tackling social and environmental issues two wheels at a time. You can help just by getting your bike serviced at our Docklands bike shop and service centre.

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About Good Cycles











