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Titusville Area School District

Titusville Area School District

Although this is our first year at TMS, Ms. Stover and I think that the start of the school year has gone very well. Just as in any school, we have had our share of successes and bumps in the road during the first 9 week period. We would like to take this time to talk about some of those successes and setbacks on the road to making our students the best they can be. On the positive side, we are both very proud of the students and teachers here at TMS. The vast majority of students come to school every day, ready to learn and experience the classes and activities that our teachers work hard to prepare. Ms. Stover and I are in the process of studying the progress of students in their benchmark tests and looking at their grades to see where we need to put in supports during the day as well as after school. Our goal is to have each student excelling at or beyond their grade level by the end of the year. We also have a goal of helping students become young men and women who are respectful and responsible. This is a lofty goal as all kids come into the school year with different skills, knowledge and behaviors. Part of the process of helping the students here become responsible and respectful young adults is being tough on them when they need it. Our system of retraining and teaching the positive behavior that we want to see relies on principals, teachers, staff and parents all working together to send the positive message to our students. Ms. Stover and I want you to know that we strive to stay consistent and tough with students who show bad behaviors. Part of this process is having students communicate with you when they get referred to the office. We are trying to improve communications home between principals and parents, as well as having students take an active part in explaining to parents when they make a mistake. We have had a few spirited conversations with parents in the past nine weeks on how to better communicate home and I want you to know that we are listening to your suggestions. We want you to know this because we are asking for your support as we strive to help our young men and women learn right from wrong. If we support each other, there is nothing that can stop us from helping our students become the best they can be both academically and behaviorally.

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